What People Say About Us
"It was great! Mick really got the point of the day...we all had a fab time."
E Carter, Deputy Head Teacher
Collierley Primary School

"I just wanted to say thank you for today - the children have really enjoyed it! There is no way we could do anything on this scale...so it was a great experience for our children"
Teacher, Beamish Primary School
I really enjoyed the day. It was difficult to pick out any improvements.
"Overall, I thought it was a great day. I really enjoyed handling lots of exotic animals and designing a new habitat."
Student, South Stanley Junior School

"I really enjoyed it and it was difficult to think of anything to improve. I loved making my own robot."
Student, North Durham Academy
"The pitch and pace of the sessions was great and both staff were excellent."
Teacher, OLSJ Brooms School - Consett